Acute Case Taking Guidelines

Your observational skills will develop as you gain more experience building your Homeopathic First Aid kit and acute dosing. Answering these questions will help you, along with your homeopath, to choose an appropriate remedy.

  • Identify the primary complaint or concern, i.e., headache, cough, bruise etc.
  • When did it start? Unusual stresses or shock of any kind?
  • How did it start? Onset? Context? Other associated symptoms?
  • What do you think caused it?
  • Have you ever had this before? When? How often?
  • Are you taking any medications for this prescribed by a physician?
  • Are you taking any other medications?
  • What makes your symptoms better or worse? i.e., better heat, cold, bending forward, not moving, pressure, rest, movement, fresh air, food, drink (hot or cold) etc.
  • Can you describe the pain? i.e., sharp, dull, achy, pulsating, constant, intermittent etc.?
  • Do you feel hot or cold? Is that different from your usual body temperature?
  • Are you more restless than usual? Is your complaint better or worse from movement?
  • Does the location or the quality of your pain change? Does it refer to any other area?
  • Describe any discharge, i.e., colour, thickness, quality (ropey, bloody, sticky)?
  • Any perspiration? Fever? Odour? Unusual taste in your mouth, i.e., foul, sour, metallic etc.
  • Energy? Low or high? Are you better alone or with company?
  • Emotional symptoms i.e., weepy, irritable, angry, anxious, fearful, happy, restless?

The more detail you observe and share with your Homeopath, especially strange, rare, or peculiar symptoms that are directly or seemingly unrelated, the more likely you are going be guided to a well indicated homeopathic remedy.