Homeopathic medicine is individual medicine and is the second most therapeutic form of medicine in the world today. Homeopaths recognize that symptoms of ill-health are expressions of disharmony within the whole person, and that the whole person needs treatment, not just the isolated symptoms of a particular illness. Homeopathic medicine can be used preventatively, for chronic conditions as well as for acute conditions. Minute doses of a substance from the plant, animal and mineral kingdoms stimulate the body’s innate healing abilities. Because Homeopathic medicines are diluted, it makes them especially safe, effective with no side-effects.
Symptoms that the body expresses give your homeopath valued information as to the state of the person on a physical, mental, and emotional level. Homeopathic Materia Medica has well documented symptoms within each system of the body documented from over 200 years of proving’s and cured cases. A repertory is a book of symptoms that is a tool to narrow down the selection of well indicated remedies. There are over 4000 homeopathic remedies to choose from and that number is always growing. Homeopathic medicine is a complete system of medicine and a strong stand-alone modality.